So it Starts… By marking the end of an era we usher in a whole new realm to explore. I have decided to take up this piece of internet real estate and finally do something with it, converting Blow Your Mind Monday into a blog.

Blow Your Mind Monday stated as weekly Monday morning newsletter that i began sending to my family and friends. As an avid internet user i came across many interesting articles that I felt should be shared with the world. This resulted in a weekly message consisting of the best of the best that I came across the previous week.

It soon became apparent that getting out a newsletter every Monday was becoming harder and harder with my busy schedule. And as such, instead I will post articles as i find them to this website. Combined with a product I have been working on for some time now I will continue to send weekly newsletters and theme and manage them to yield a great experience for all my subscribers.

I always see new and interesting ideas and inventions through my browsing and I hope you find them as interesting as i do.

Happy Browsing!

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